Saturday, April 15, 2006

Progressive Christian Manifesto

The following is a statement that represents the views of the North Dakota Progressive Christian PAC. e-mail:

Progressive Christian Manifesto


We, who are disciples of Jesus Christ and advocates of American democracy, believe that it is possible to be true to the Christian values of being pro-life and compassionate to the disadvantaged, while at the same time allowing for the democratic principles of freedom of expression, freedom of religion, and enfranchisement to all people regardless of race, religion, sex, or ethnic background. Our political goal is to promote a true Christian/democratic ideology and candidates who support that ideology.

Article I. Separation of Church and State: Healthy for Both Church and State

Christian Progressives believe that the sentiments expressed in the concept of separation of church and state as stated in the First and Fourteenth Amendments offer the greatest protection for both church and state. Government sanctioning one religion over others will inherently lead to a form of religious coercion. Citizens will feel they must practice the state religion or avoid practicing the faith of their conscience in order to enjoy political, social, and economic advantages afforded those who practice the religion favored by the government.
History has shown that when there is social, religious, political, or economic pressure placed upon citizens by government or culture, the Church is weakened in fervency while it is strengthened in numbers. In short, when the church is made up mostly of people whose motivation is social, political, or economic rather than heartfelt spirituality, the Church is less likely to be imitative of Christ in doctrine and practice. Thus, the Church will be healthier and more dynamic if government shows no preference in any form.

Article II. Pro-Life and Pro-Quality Life

Abortion on demand is clearly a policy that is contrary to the teaching of scripture.
Every effort should be made by government and faith-based institutions to make abortion rare by providing emotional and financial support to encourage women to give birth rather than end the life of the unborn. No woman who is the victim of rape or incest should have to carry the pregnancy to term. No women should be expected to carry the pregnancy to term when doing so would endanger her life or health. Permanently comatose patients should be allowed to die rather than be kept on life support for long periods of time. Living wills should be honored.

Article III. Social Responsibility.

From beginning to end the Bible teaches that those who have are responsible to help those who have not. Providing greater time, energy, and resources to help those in need is consistent with Biblical teaching, and should be reflected in the laws of the United States and the state of North Dakota through the following policies:
(1)A progressive income tax and tax relief for those at the lower end of the economic spectrum
(2)Health care for all, including mental health.
(3)Well-funded public schools that provide a rigorous education for all.
(4)Laws that protect the working class form being exploited by way of low wages and unhealthy
working conditions.

Article IV. A Common Sense Penal Code

Since most imprisoned criminals will one day be released, a primary function of incarceration should be to prepare convicts for the time when they will be free. Prison should be more than a place of punishment. The experience should include education/vocational training, counseling, and other opportunities for personal growth.

Article V. Environmental Protection

The earth is God’s creation and is the source for all physical materials that sustain life and bring people joy. In the interest of keeping our world a healthy, safe and productive place, public policy should discourage all forms of pollution, encourage conservation of our natural resources, and preserve the natural beauty and wonder of creation.

Article VI. Foreign Policy

The time, energy, and resources our country spends creating and maintaining allies in the long run will be less costly in lives and treasure than if spent on war-making. Christians can assume that the attitudes of compassion, charity, and forgiveness that form the Biblical model for personal relationships will work well for international relationships. America’s foreign relations would be well served by the following:
(1)A well-armed and highly trained military force that is used for self-defense and for the rescue of our allies from those who wish to harm them. Our military should never be used to
conquer any country for the purpose of imposing our will or simply to bolster our economy.
(2)Our government should never support any country’s leadership that denies human rights to
its people just because we hope to gain economically.
(3)Concerning foreign affairs, America should always appear to the world to be sacrificially
heroic rather that selfishly exploitive.

Article VII. Regulation of Financial and Corporate Institutions

The Bible clearly teaches that when money and power are consolidated into the hands of a few, the rest of the population suffers. The nature of the corporation is to be primarily interested in profits, not public safety, the environment, or economic justice for the poor and working class. Therefore the Christian position should be that corporations be regulated by the government to compel them to behave in a socially responsible way.

Article VIII. Military

History reveals that many factions and nations are hostile to democratic ideals in general and America in particular. A well-funded and highly trained military force is necessary for the protection of America and her allies. The Christian position should be to abhor war, but in the interest of liberty, justice, and security to be willing to sacrifice
lives and treasure as a last resort.

Article IX. Equal Rights for All

The Bible teaches that there should be distinction between persons. The Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution express the same idea -- that all people are equal in the eyes of the law and that there should be no undue hardship as a result of discrimination for race, gender, age, religion, or sexual orientation in the United States. However the concept of equal rights has its limits. Merit, hard work, and talent should be rewarded accordingly. Behaviors that are deemed unsafe, or which nature or long standing tradition has denied, should not be tolerated.


Blogger revtj said...

I am a progressive christian and I do not completely agree with your manifesto. I think perhpas you have mislabeled yourself.

Please visit this site to learn more about what Progressive Christians think. Thanks!

6:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Article I seems to conflict with Article III. Can you explain how The State taking over some of the roles people of faith are called to do is good for either the church or the state? (i.e. the problem descibed in article I)

5:23 PM  

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